Points Estimator Scoring

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LAEPP Information

Sample Deeds of Agricultural Easement
- State
- Federal
Policies and Guidelines
- Adjusted 
Land Values

- Application 

- Attachment 

- Calculation 

- Calculation Example
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- Site Visit Form (Exhibit K)
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Please be advised that this is not the official landowner application for the LAEPP. As this is not an application, the information submitted by the user will in no way be applied toward any future LAEPP application.

The purpose of this informational tool is only to provide interested landowners and local sponsors with an estimate of what the total score of a LAEPP landowner application may be.

The primary scoring mechanism of the LAEPP landowner application is based upon a maximum possible score of 100 points. This scoring is comprised of the following six (6) sections:

  • Proximity of farm to other Protected Land.

  • Development Pressure.

  • Other Factors.

  • Local Government's Comprehensive Planning.

  • Conservation Plan of farm.

  • Farm's Soil Type and Productivity.